Best Approach For BITSAT Preparation

BITSAT (Birla Institute of Technology and science Admission Test) is a national/university level exam that is conducted by BITS (Birla Institute of Technology and Science) every year. Based on this test, admission is offered in various UG and PG degree courses in Technology, Engineering, Sciences, Management, Pharmacy and Humanities.
Once the exam is passed, admissions are offered at affiliated BITS campuses: BITS Pilani campus, Goa campus and Hyderabad Campus.
The Best Approach For Bitsat Preparation:
Level Comparison:
If we look at the level of difficulty in other major exams in India and compare it to BITSAT, the chart would look like, BITSAT(PMC) ≤ JEE Main < KVPY ≤ JEE Advanced. This would suggest that the questions appearing in BITSAT are easier and sometimes on the same difficulty as the questions appearing in JEE Main, the other exams are harder. Meaning, if you are preparing for JEE Main, then that preparation is more or less sufficient for BITSAT, but still there are a few topics that aren’t present in the JEE Main syllabus and are present in BITSAT, the best option for this would be to check the NCERT based BITSAT syllabus and pick out the different topics and learn them separately.
Books For Preparation:
The four most important books for this examination would be the “Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS” books or the Fingertips books. There are three books that come under this name pertaining to three different subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The other most important book is your FORMULAE book, this is because most of the questions in BITSAT are formulae related. Learning all the chapters to get to know the formulas is extremely necessary, even if you are not comfortable with a topic, for example- Wave optics, you don’t need to study a whole lot more than your NCERT level formulas, if you are familiar with these formulas, you will be able to easily answer the questions based on this topic.
If you do want to delve even more into the subjects and topis, you can look into books like:
‘Concepts of Physics by H.C Verma Vol1 and Vol2)’ and ‘Fundamentals of Physics Resnick, Halliday, Walker’ for Physics.
‘Physical Chemistry by N Awasthi’, ‘Inorganic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon’ and ‘Organic Chemistry by Paula Bruice’ for Chemistry.
The Class XI and XII R.D Sharma books, ‘Higher Algebra by Hall Knight’, ‘Integral and Differential Calculus by Arihant’, and ‘Problems in Calculus of One Variable Algebra by I.A. Maron’ for Mathematics.
‘BITSAT English Proficiency & Logical Reasoning by Disha Experts’ for English.
‘Wren and Martin’ and ‘The Pearson Complete Guide to the BITSAT(English) for Reasoning.
Speed And Time Management:
A lot of this exam is about the speed. Knowing when to answer which question and how much time you take in said question will determine how well or how poorly your examination will go. You have to attempt 150 questions in 3 hours in the exam, this requires efficient use if your time management skills. test papers as you can. This will help you get yourself familiarised with the BITSAT pattern and increase your writing speed. On average you have only 1.2minutes per question, so getting stuck on a question for even 3 minutes can cost you missing out on 2 other questions. Your best option is to, attempt all the questions in one go and solve only the ones you can the first time, and only then attempt to solve the rest.
Paper Solving Strategy And Tips:
Try and attempt all the sections in the question paper. You’ll be surprised at how easy the questions can be from a topic that you are not very familiar with. This is because the difficulty is relatively lower, but the real catch, as said above is time management.
Sometimes the topic that you have prepared for can have a very complex question. Don’t let your ego come in the way while attempting the question again and again until you get it right. Face value of each question is equal to same number of marks. So do not waste your time on harder questions and miss out on the easier ones.
Attempt the English and Reasoning sections of the paper first. Because these questions take relatively less time to answer, so answering quite a few questions in the initial part of the exam can help you gain a confidence boost, which will pay off later in the exam. After these sections, attempt the Chemistry section, and then either Physics or Maths, whichever is your stronger subject. This again helps in time management.
Keep in mind the Negative marking scheme and don’t try guess work to solve the questions. This can drop your overall marks significantly and will also lead to you losing time on questions you can reattempt.
Prepare well for the English and Reasoning sections of the paper, they more often than not make a good difference in your marks.
Practice the mock papers as much as you can, and stay healthy. Take timely breaks while studying, eat healthy food and get sufficient sleep. Take all this into account and you’ll have a great time with your BITSAT exam.